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He has no policy but following others' Control and As.

Writer: admin Time:2024-08-31 15:48 Browse:

On August 12th, Canadian fitness influencer Greg Doucette released a video in which he analyzed that the reason why American swimmers became "purple faced" after a competition could not be due to natural reasons, but must have been the use of performance enhancing drugs. 
He speculated based on experience and knowledge, ruling out other possibilities (such as hypoxia, skin diseases, etc.), and believed that he must have taken ITPP (Inositol Triphosphate, a banned drug). 
This drug has been banned by the World Anti Doping Organization, but the problem is that there is currently no good way to test this drug, which means it cannot be detected.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau announced the imposition of 100% and 25% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and steel and aluminum, respectively, and intensified research on imposing tariffs on minerals, batteries, and semiconductors.

On the 19th, The Times of India reported that a local court in India has announced a ruling rejecting a 13 year infringement lawsuit filed by Burger King against a local restaurant with the same name in India. Burger King, an American fast food chain, claims that its brand was registered and established in 1959. They accuse the "Burger King" restaurant located in Pune, India of trademark infringement, seek court approval for a permanent injunction, and demand compensation for losses and cessation of use of the name. The court ruled that the Burger King brand belongs to this Indian restaurant. The reason is that this restaurant has been operating under the name "Burger King" since 1991, while Burger King from the United States only entered India in 2014. The court also stated that Burger King had "tragically failed" in attempting to prove that the restaurant had infringed upon its trademark rights while operating.

According to Delta Air Lines, a Boeing 757 aircraft experienced a tire explosion accident while undergoing maintenance at the Delta Air Lines repair center located at Atlanta International Airport around 5am local time on August 27th, resulting in 2 deaths and 1 serious injury.
NASA Administrator Bill Nielsen: Two astronauts, Butch and Sunny, will return home with the SpaceX Crew 9 spacecraft in February 2025. The Boeing starplane will return empty, technically transforming a planned eight day space journey into over 280 days.

According to reports, IHI, a large Japanese heavy industry company that produces jet engines and nuclear power generation equipment, recently submitted an investigation report to the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism regarding its subsidiary's tampering with fuel data for marine engines and other products.The report points out that the earliest data falsification can be traced back to engines manufactured in December 1974, nearly 50 years ago, involving 6831 engines.
According to our understanding, as early as April this year, IHI officially announced that its subsidiary IHI prime mover factories located in Niigata and Gunma prefectures had tampered with engine data issues.

It is worth mentioning that IHI was founded in 1960, originally named Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries, and was only renamed to its current name in 2007. In addition, IHI also manufactures aircraft engines for companies such as Boeing and Airbus, and undertakes maintenance work for aircraft engines.



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